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Pastor Ronnie Rothe – Protection (Sunday, May 29)

Pastor Ronnie Rothe of Relevant Church in Elkhorn shares a sermon called “Protection” from the “Prayer That Works” Series. One way Jesus told us to pray is found in Matthew 6:13, and that is to “lead not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.”

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Morning Conversation with Warren Wiersbe

Dr Wiersbe was a prolific author, a pastor and the general director and Bible teacher for Back to the Bible radio broadcast here in Lincoln for 10 years. We spoke with Dr. Wiersbe in April 2018 and we share that last interview in which he talks about his love for God’s Word.

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Morning Conversation with Henry Blackaby

Dr. Henry Blackaby wrote the book “Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God.” The first edition of the book was released in October 1990 and it has sold more than eight million copies. We revisit a conversation with him from 7 years ago.

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Pastor Ronnie Rothe – Invite (Sunday, May 22)

Pastor Ronnie Rothe of Relevant Church in Elkhorn shares a message called “Invite” from the “Crossing The Line” Series. Relationally investing in someone is a series of invitations. But one invitation can change someone’s life and eternity: the invite into a relationship with Jesus.

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