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Morning Conversation with Madison Cain
Madison is the middle sibling of the CAIN trio. Madison talks about life on the road with little ones, what they are learning about God from being parents, and their new album.
Pastor Jeff Baker – Shoes of Peace (Sunday, October 22)
Pastor Jeff Baker of New Life in Kearney shares a message called “Belt of Truth” from their “The Better Way” series.
Pastor Bryan Clark – It is I, Do Not Be Afraid (Sunday, October 22)
Pastor Bryan Clark of Lincoln Berean shares a message called “It Is I, Do Not Be Afraid,” from their “Gospel of John” series (John 6:1-21).
Pastor Bryan Clark – Work
Work was never intended to be all about money…it’s about being made in the image of God and living with dignity and purpose.
Pastor Jeff Baker – Building
God is so creative, you can trust him to take what seems impossible and make it possible.
Pastor Jeff Baker – Belt of Truth (Sunday, October 15)
Pastor Jeff Baker of New Life in Kearney shares a message, “Belt of Truth,” from their “The Better Way” series.
Pastor Bryan Clark – Witnesses For The Defense (Sunday, October 15)
Pastor Bryan Clark of Lincoln Berean shares a message, “Witnesses for the Defense,” from their “Gospel of John” series. (John 5:31-47)
Impact Days – Stan Parker, Team Lead
God’s glory is brilliantly on display when we choose to give in response to who HE is.