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I BelievePhil Wickham

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I BelievePhil Wickham
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October 4 - Rahab

October 11 - Isaac

October 18 - Nehemiah

Being "the church" is our passion. Understanding from the Bible that Christ loves His church, died for His church, nurtures His church, and offers hope to a hopeless world through His church, we deeply desire to be a biblical be a Christ-centered, Spirit-enabled, God-honoring body of believers devoted to growing as a Biblical church. Keep Reading

Presence. Service. Family.

Experiencing God as a family in order to see a city transformed by His love.

Loving God wholly, loving people fully, empowering His church to action.

Alliance Berean Church exists to glorify God by introducing people to Jesus Christ, lovingly nurturing them to maturity and equipping them for their ministry and life mission.

We welcome the chance to serve you, and we invite you to worship with us Sunday morning at 9:00 and 10:30am.  Sunday school  for children (ages 3 and up) and adults at 9:00.  The nursery available during both church services.  Children's church is offered during the 2nd service.

At Berean Bible Church, you will find sincere believers who truly care about living for Jesus and sincerely care about other people.


Sunday school for all ages 9:00 a.m., worship service 10:00 a.m., small groups offered throughout the week.

Bethel Baptist Church is helping people grow in their relationship with Jesus, equipping them to go and bear fruit, and encouraging them to live out their faith.

Sunday School 9:30 AM

Worship Service 10:45 AM

Youth Group Sunday 6:30 PM

We exist to live and love like Jesus. We believe we can grow in our ability to do this if we: attend a weekend service, join a group, serve, and tell others about Jesus.

At Calvary, we believe everyone always has a next step. Wherever you've been, wherever you are now - we're here for you.




We are a church in a rural community that is committed to reaching our community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

August 2 - Time to Pivot

August 9 - Sinner or Saint

August 16 - The Year of the Lord's Favor

August 23 - Why We Need Each Other

Sermons broadcast Sundays in August at 10:00am

We believe your best days are yet to come, and we don’t think it’s a coincidence that you’re reading these words right now. We are a church with a Christ-centered mission and message. We like to say it this way: We exist to lead people in a life-changing relationship with Jesus. Across multiple campuses, we gather each weekend for an authentic worship experience and to hear a relevant message from the Bible. There is an energetic and almost youthful atmosphere at Christ Place that causes us to have a sense of anticipation each time we gather.

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Featured sermons played Sundays in February at 10:30AM and 9:30PM on MyBridge Radio.

February 2 - False Finish Lines and the Messy Middle - Pastor Gavin Johnson

February 9 - Hey Hyper Religious Guy Chill Out - Pastor Chris Hruska

February 16, March 29 - Jesus Forgives Sins and Befriends Sinners - Pastor Gavin Johnson

February 23 - Jesus - Nothing - Everything - Pastor Chris Hruska

We gather (in two locations) every Sunday at 9 and 11 AM. Coffee and donuts are served 30 minutes before each gathering. You are welcome no matter what your spiritual background is. We invite skeptics and people from any religious tradition to come check us out. Feel free to dress casual or wear a tie! Every Sunday youʼll experience the reading of Scripture, strong Christ-centered preaching, and musical worship incorporating both contemporary songs and hymns.

We are a Christ-centered, Bible-teaching, non-denominational church. Our goal at CBC is to know Christ intimately and share Him lovingly. We are committed to teaching and explaining the Bible in such a way that we can apply the truths of God's Word to our lives in a very relevant way.

It is our greatest desire that people come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, enjoy an intimate relationship with Him, and grow in their knowledge of Him. No decision in life is more important or everlasting. We believe Jesus Christ promises that personal relationship, and life everlasting, simply by believing that His sacrificial death on the cross, paid our penalty for sin, in full.

Cornerstone Bible Church, a congregation in Gothenburg, offers members - and visitors - a chance to become part of something greater - to grow in their love of God and for one another within our beautiful community.

We are rooted in the stories of the Bible and believe worship is something that can be expressed in everything we do. Our philosophy is founded on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. No matter who you are, there’s a special place for you at our church. Get in touch today or come and visit us in person.

Join us for online worship services.

We are a non-denominational church with a strong focus on fellowship and solid Bible teaching. We have Sunday School for all ages, youth group, AWANA, and men and women's Bible studies.

Built in 1919, this tiny Sandhills church is one of three buildings in the former town of Eli in the north central Sandhills region of Nebraska. Still in its original siding with a matching outhouse on site, this tiny church holds non-denominational services year around at 10:30 on Sunday mornings and on Christmas Eve.

Grace Fellowship is a church focused on glorifying God and exhorting and equipping believers through personal discipleship. We have a strong focus on family worship and developing Christ-centered relationships. Our worship services feature Bible-focused expository preaching and both hymns and contemporary songs carefully selected to be God-focused. Join us Sundays on the bricks in McCook at 11:00 AM!

Holcomb Evangelical Free Church is a rural church about 8 miles north of Holdrege, NE. We have a strong emphasis on missions, youth and biblical preaching and teaching. Our church is known for being very welcoming and a regular church home to about 120 for church service and to our joy, home to around 100 kids on Wednesday night!

Service Times: 

Sunday School: 9:45 am (For all ages)

Worship Service: 10:45 am

Holcomb at Prayer 7:00 pm


 Ladies Bible Study at the Church: 9:00 am

Awana Meal For Everyone: 6:30 pm

Awana Activities: 7:00 pm (Ages 3 through 6th grade)

Bible Instruction Class: 7:00 pm

Impact Zone Youth Group: 7:00 pm


Men's Breakfast & Bible Study @Cozy Inn Café’s Backroom: 6:30am




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Featured sermons played Sundays in February at 10AM 9PM on MyBridge Radio.

February 2 - 3 Views of People - Pastor Adrian Boykin

February 9 - How Can You Say There Is Only One - Pastor Adrian Boykin

February 16 - Overcoming the Labels that Shame - Pastor Adrian Boykin

February 23 - The Daily Grind - Pastor Adrian Boykin

Our desire is to consistently saturate our lives in the Truth of the Gospel, consistently join a loving community for the journey and consistently serve a mission bigger than self.

So, we invite everyone to gather weekly in an inspiring worship environment where we hear great teaching on unchanging Truth and learn to apply the Gospel. We invite everyone to be involved in an authentic small group community where we study God’s Word and run after Christ together, and we invite everyone to serve, whether inside or outside the church, because we are on mission for purposes bigger than ourselves.

These three environments, we believe, will help us grow in Christ.

If you've ever heard someone use the phrase "little country church" they were probably talking about the church that I have called mine for the past 9 years. Keene Evangelical Free Church is a welcoming and thriving place of worship, with members of the congregation driving from several area communities, including Axtell, Holdrege, Funk, Wilcox, Hildreth, and Minden, each Sunday. Our pastor, Matt Snell recently celebrated 20 years at Keene, and he and his family are truly a blessing to our church! Keene E-Free is known in the area for it's fantastic choir, strong AWANA program, SWAT youth group, amazing VBS, incredible women's circles, and a weekly Bible Study. This past year, our "little country church" even had the numbers to begin a second Sunday morning service! In the darkest times of my life, this church has been a light, reminding me that God is faithful in every season!

August 2 - Daddy's Boy. Daddy's Girl.

August 9 - #Blessed

August 16 - God Is Omni

August 23 - God Is Holy

Sermons broadcast Sundays in August at 10:30am

At LifePoint we value gathering together to worship, fellowship, and grow. Our goal is to create an environment that is inviting and safe for everyone to learn more about God. We have two identical worship gatherings on Sunday mornings at 9:00 and 10:45. We also offer designated kids classes and worship during both of our gathering times. Between our gatherings we have a time of fellowship with free coffee and donuts that we call The Break.

These featured sermons aired in January.

Jan 5 - Learning To Enjoy Life - Pastor Bryan Clark
Jan 12, March 29 - I Know God Is Good But - Pastor Bryan Clark
Jan 19 - Dancing In The Light - Pastor Bryan Clark
Jan 26 - You Are His Masterpiece - Pastor Bryan Clark

We are all imperfect, saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. At Lincoln Berean Church, we hope you’ll find a group of authentic people who love God and each other. We believe church is about people — people discovering relationships with Jesus and with one another. So we want to know your name and hear your story.

June 7 - Honor the Sabbath

June 14 - Progressive Growth

June 21 - Seek Peace

June 28 - Thou Shalt Not Murder

We are not the only Christians, but we are Christians only. We claim no other name or denomination. McCook Christian Church is part of a fellowship of likeminded churches that together support Bible Colleges and missionaries. All decisions for this church are made by the local congregation. We choose leaders from our membership to direct and oversee the ministries of the church. We send and support evangelistic and benevolent missions throughout the world. We encourage our finest people to accept the call to a greater Kingdom service, and we support them through generous mission offerings. We would love to have you visit!

Sermons aired Sundays at 10:30AM in June

June 7 - Darkroom

June 14 - Driving Force: Guilt Vs. Shame

June 21 - Lies

June 28 - Uncomfortable: Embrace the Discomfort

With locations in Kearney, North Platte, and Ogallala, New Life Church  is an exciting place where everyone is on a journey to discover more of God. We started decades ago, but have maintained a value of relevance to our community. We strive to be Biblically accurate in all we do while living a culture of change to present the good news of Jesus in a language every generation can hear. We are unapologetic in our love for Jesus and we have a real passion for everyone to be in a life transforming relationship with Him.

Sermons aired Sundays at 10AM in June

North American Martyrs (NAM) is a Catholic Church in the highlands in Lincoln. Their mission statement is: Witnessing to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and living the Sacramental life. The church is very welcoming, always has something going on, and is home to all ages and stages of people!

These featured sermons aired Sundays in January.

Jan 5 - Pastor John Shields
Jan 12 - Pastor John Shields
Jan 19 - Pastor John Shields
Jan 26 - Pastor John Shields

We are helping people discover a deepening relationship with Jesus, His family, and His mission.

Church can be an intimidating place to visit — especially if you don’t know what to expect. We invite you to experience what the gospel means both intellectually and relationally at one of our Sunday worship services. You can engage with others and find places for your whole family to connect. We hope that through visiting with us, you will experience the hope, love and joy that comes from a community of people who love Jesus.