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Morning Conversation with Tom Doyle

Tom Doyle is the president and founder of Uncharted Ministries. They are focused on reaching the unreached and standing with the persecuted. He talks about the need for more workers in the missions field of the unreached and unengaged in some of the world’s most difficult to reach areas.

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Morning Conversation with David Joannes

David is the co-founder of Within Reach Global, which serves to advance of the Gospel in some of Southeast Asia’s most difficult places. He talks about why unreached people groups are unreached and some of the challenges of taking the Gospel to the unreached.

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Pastor Bryan Clark – It’s All About Jesus (Sunday, July 3)

Pastor Bryan Clark of Lincoln Berean shares a sermon called “It’s All About Jesus” from the “Hebrews” Series on Hebrews 7:1-10. As people made in the image of God, there is something deep within us that longs to know God. But what many experience is religion, and religion ends up being distasteful and greatly dissatisfying.

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