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Morning Conversation with Lisa Anderson

Lisa is the director of young adults for Focus on the Family and manages Boundless, Focus’ ministry for young adults. She talks about a number of things related to celebrating Christmas such as ideas about managing spending on Christmas gifts, alternatives to buying gifts, including singles in your family’s celebrations and keeping our focus.

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Morning Conversation with Melissa Swain

Pastor Chris Swain started a book about discipling our kids that he wasn’t able to finish when he passed away very unexpectedly last summer. His wife Melissa completed the book called, “Write It On Their Hearts,” and talks about how parents can help their children grow to know Jesus.

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Morning Conversation with Heidi Farrell

Heidi, a mom and stepmom of 5 in Kearney, has a website called “Not Just a Stepmom” and was part of starting Kearney Community Moms. She talks about God at work in her life and about some unique dynamics in blended families

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