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Morning Conversation with Katie Loseke

Katie is the executive director for Youth and Families for Christ in the Columbus, Nebraska area. Youth and Families for Christ strives to bring about a positive heart-change, physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially and spiritually in every kid in every circumstance. Katie talks about God at work in her life and through YFC.

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Morning Conversation with Blessing Offor

You know Blessing Offor, a newer artist on MyBridge, because of his song, “Brighter Days.” Blessing was born in Nigeria and came to the United States as a young boy and he talks about his story and about God at work in his life.

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Morning Conversation with Jordan St Cyr

Singer and songwriter, Jordan St Cyr, grew up and lives in Manitoba, Canada, with his wife, Heather, and their four children. We’re revisiting a conversation with Jordan about the heart behind his music and what God is doing through his music and in his family.

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Pastor Bryan Clark – Unity, not Uniformity

Unity is one of those concepts that’s easy to talk about but not so easy to pull off. Sometimes it feels like the more we strive for unity, the more divided we become. Perhaps we’re confusing unity with uniformity.

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