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Hope Venture – According to Your Ability
Cynci Petersen challenges us to follow the example of the Israelites in Ezra 2, to live and love generously and to give freely, according to our ability.
God at Work – MyBridge Español – David’s Story
Pastor and church planter David Martinez tells how he is excited to see how God will work through MyBridge Español.
Pastor Jeff Baker – Fear Not (April 25)
Pastor Jeff Baker delivers an encouraging message to live without fear and place our trust and hope in God.
Pastor Bryan Clark – Restoring the Social Fabric (April 25)
Pastor Bryan Clark of Lincoln Berean teaches that God has no problem with prosperity…the issue is what we do with the abundance that God has given us.
Morning Conversation with Susie Larson
Radio host and author Susie Larson encourages us to discern carefully what to say “yes” to and what needs a “no,” principles she shares in her book, “Your Sacred Yes.”
Morning Conversation with Magdalena Battles
Mom and Author, Magdalena Battles, shares practical ideas from her book, “10 Time-Saving Tips for Busy Parents.”
God At Work – MyBridge Español Julie’s Story
Julie shares her excitement in hearing music in her heart language and how MyBridge Español will impact the Hispanic population across the state.
Pastor Jeff Baker – God is Listening (April 18)
Pastor Jeff Baker encourages us to remember that God is always listening for our voice to call out to him.
Pastor Bryan Clark – Restoration (April 18)
Pastor Bryan Clark shares from Amos 7:1-9:15, God calls His people to be the people of justice, goodness, kindness, compassion, and to work together as a team.
Pastor Jeff Baker – Give Thanks (April 18)
Pastor Jeff Baker from New Life in Kearney shares from the church’s “MANDATE” series, a message on “Giving Thanks.”