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Pastor Ronnie Rothe – Gossip (Sunday, February 18)
Pastor Ronnie Rothe of Relevant Church in Elkhorn shares a sermon called “Gossip” from their “Disconnected” series.
Pastor Adrian Boykin – Why Is The Church So Important? (Sunday, February 18)
Pastor Adrian Boykin of Kearney eFree shares a message called “Why Is The Church So Important?” from their “Rooted” series.
Morning Conversation with Dan Brenton
Dan Brenton, Weekend to Remember speaker, shares about the impact the conference can have whether your marriage is firm or fragile.
Pastor Gregg Madsen – Gomer
A relationship with God isn’t based on our faithfulness but HIS.
God at Work – Camp Sonshine & Livia’s Story
Camp Sonshine, a Nebraska-based camp ministry, has played an important role in Livia, in Lincoln’s, life.
God at Work – Activate Global & Amar’s Flour Mill
When Activate Global, MyBridge to the Nations, finds a believer who lives near an unreached people group, they equip them with tools and trainings to share the Gospel with community members.
Pastor Adrian Boykin – How Can I Have A Life Of Significance? (Sunday, February 11)
Pastor Adrian Boykin of Kearney eFree shares a message called “How Can I Have A LIfe of Significance?” from their “Rooted” series.
Pastor Ronnie Rothe – Communication Substitution (Sunday, February 11)
Pastor Ronnie Rothe of Relevant Church in Elkhorn shares a message called “Communication Substitution” from their “Disconnected” series.
God at Work – Moms in Prayer and Andrea’s Story
By praying with Moms in Prayer, Andrea experienced God and began learning what it looked like to walk with Him in an expression of saving faith.