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Morning Conversation with Mary DeMuth
In “Love, Pray, Listen: Parenting Your Wayward Adult Children with Joy,” author Mary DeMuth shares a gracious, practical resource for navigating the rocky terrain of parenting grown-ups.
Pastor Chris Hruska – Transformation, Reconciliation, Preservation (Sunday, June 23)
Pastor Chris Hruska of CityLight in Omaha shares a message called “Transformation, Reconciliation, Preservation,” a message from Genesis 43-46, from their “Pitstops of Providence,” about God’s Providential Purpose in Life’s Intermissions.
Pastor Rick Lorimer – God’s House (Sunday, June 23)
Pastor Rick Lorimer of Christ Place Church in Lincoln shares a message called “A People of Purpose” from their “God’s House” series. What is our purpose in life? Pastor Rick talks about Ephesians 2 and helps us see the handiwork of God in our lives.
God at Work – Why I Give – Julie’s Story
God uses the music and messages played on MyBridge Radio to help keep Julie connected to Him.
Pastor Jeff Baker – God Provides What You Need
God cares about your current needs; He cares about your “now.”
God at Work – Activate Global & the Taxi Business
He courageously shares the Good News with all of this passengers and invites deeper conversations with those who want to learn more.
Morning Conversation with Bruce Bruinsma
In this revisit of a conversation we had with him last year, Bruce Bruinsma changes the way we think about what our culture calls retirement. God has a unique call for each of our lives, and it does not stop at sixty-five or seventy.
Pastor Gavin Johnson – You’re Not As Stuck As You Think You Are (Sunday, June 16)
Pastor Gavin Johnson of CityLight in Omaha shares a message called “You’re Not As Stuck As You Think You Are,” a message from Genesis 40:1-23, from their “Pitstops of Providence,” about God’s Providential Purpose in Life’s Intermissions.
Pastor Rick Lorimer – A People of Growth (Sunday, June 16)
Pastor Rick Lorimer of Christ Place in Lincoln shares a sermon called “A People of Growth” from their “God’s House” series. It’s possible to grow older and yet not grow more mature in Jesus. Pastor Rick unpacks some obstacles to growth and the necessity of being humble and being hungry.