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Pastor Bryan Clark – We Must Believe (Sunday, October 16)
Pastor Bryan Clark of Lincoln Berean shares a message called, “We Must Believe,” from the “Hebrews” series on Hebrews 11:1-12. What do we mean by faith and what does this look like lived out in real life?
Morning Conversation with Jonathan Lumbard
Jonathan is the lead pastor at Spirit of Life in Kearney and talks about God at work in his life and in his church.
Impact Days – Stan Parker
We are excited to partner with you in providing HOPE, which is Vital for Life.
Impact Days – Dave’s Story
THAT, to this day, continues to be the thing that says, this ministry is worth investing in.
Impact Days – Jason’s Story
Jason and his team had hit a ceiling…until finding Momentum, a ministry of MyBridge, which invests in Christian leaders and the organizations they lead.
Morning Conversation with Ben Fuller
Ben Fuller, a new artist on My Bridge Radio, shares his story with us, along with songs from his new album.
Pastor Bryan Clark – A New Way of Living
Pastor Bryan Clark of Lincoln Berean shares a message called “A New Way of Living” from the “Hebrews” series on Hebrews 10:19-39. The purpose of the gospel is not to possess a ticket to heaven but to enter in to a deeply meaningful, soul-satisfying relationship with Jesus.
Pastor Jeff Baker – The Churches of Smyrna & Pergamum
Pastor Jeff Baker of New Life in Kearney shares a message called “The Churches of Smyrna & Pergamum” from the series, “7 – The Churches of Revelation”.
Morning Conversation with Aaron Asay
Aaron, the Executive Pastor at Calvary Church in Bellevue, talks about encouraging people to reconnect with community and Being One as Christ-followers.