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God at Work – Crossroads Mission Avenue
God is on the move through Crossroads Mission Avenue as they bring glory to God through the helping of people and families like Naomi’s.
God at Work – Joe & Jill’s Story
What we experience in this life is but a vapor compared to what is waiting for us.
Morning Conversation with Brant Hansen
Brant Hansen talks about his book, “The (Young) Men We Need.” With young men receiving so many conflicting messages about what it means to be a man, they find it hard to know what masculinity looks like. Brant Hansen tells what men are designed to be in a world of cultural confusion.
Pastor Adrian Boykin – An Infinite Multitasker (Sunday, May 26)
Pastor Adrian Boykin shares a message called “The Infinite Multitasker,” a message from their “God and His Competitors” series that seeks to expose the idols Americans make as substitutes for God.
Pastor Ronnie Rothe – Fear (Sunday, May 26)
Pastor Ronnie Rothe of Relevant Church shares a message called “Fear” from their “Slaying Goliath” series.
Morning Conversation with David Bahnsen
Our guest is the author of “Full-Time: Work and the Meaning of Life,” in which he makes the case that our understanding of work and its role in our lives is deeply flawed. It is in work: effort, service, and striving of every kind that we discover our meaning and purpose.
Pastor Bryan Clark – Secular Culture
Think how different things could be if we just viewed the world through the lens of His Word.
God at Work – Why I Give – Tara’s Story
Tara, in Lincoln, started listening to MyBridge Radio after her husband introduced her to 95.1.
Pastor Adrian Boykin – Self Help Guru (Sunday, May 19)
Pastor Adrian Boykin of Kearney E Free shares a message called “Self Help Guru,” a message from their “God and His Competitors” series, that seeks to expose the idols Americans make as substitutes for God.