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God at Work – Nate’s Legacy
Being a Christian isn’t merely a ticket to heaven or a title, but actually impacts your life.
Dr Lee Warren – Treatment Plan
We all need a treatment plan to rediscover the light after life plunges us into darkness.
Pastor Jeff Baker – Run (Sunday, July 2)
Pastor Jeff Baker of New Life in Kearney shares a message called, “Run With Others,” from his “Run to Win” series.
Pastor Bryan Clark – The True Temple (Sunday, July 2)
Pastor Bryan Clark of Lincoln Berean shares a message called, “The True Temple,” from their “That You Believe” series in the Gospel of John (John 2:13-25).
God at Work – Tenise & Merrit Youth Retreat
Tenise and her husband in Ord have been serving with Merrit Youth Retreat, a weekend, summer retreat for High Schoolers in the Sandhills, for 22 years.
Why I Give – Nancy’s Story
As she heard how MyBridge Radio has impacted the lives of other listeners, Nancy began reflecting on how God has used the ministry in her own life.
Morning Conversation with Amy Boucher Pye
Amy’s newest book is “Transforming Love: How Friendship With Jesus Changes Us.” Amy talks about the close friendship Mary, Martha and Lazarus enjoyed with Jesus to uncover fresh insights about this very familiar story.
Pastor Austin Edwards – The Room & The Way (Sunday, June 25)
Pastor Austin Edwards of CityLight in Lincoln shares a message called, “The Room & The Way,” from their “Knowing God” series (John 14:1-6).