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Morning Conversation with Wendy Speake
Wendy wrote “The 40-Day Social Media Fast: Exchange Your Online Distractions for Real-Life Devotion” and talked with us last year about things like social media, the news and other media, and about the challenges and impact of fasting from social media.
Pastor Bryan Clark – A Better Resurrection (Sunday, October 30)
Pastor Bryan Clark of Lincoln Berean shares a message called, “A Better Resurrection,” from the “Hebrews” series on Hebrews 11:23-40. They were unwilling to settle for the things of this world and knew that one day, by faith, they would be in a better city, in a place their souls longed for.
Pastor Jeff Baker – Power In (Sunday, October 30)
Pastor Jeff Baker of New Life in Kearney shares a message called “Power In” from the series, “Secret Agent.”
Morning Conversation with Hannah Kerr
Hannah is a songwriter, singer and worship leader and we revisit a conversation with Hannah about God at work in her life and about her music.
Pastor Bryan Clark – Meaning
When you see yourself through the lens of a Christian worldview, informed by God’s Word, there is every reason to celebrate.
God at Work – Activate Global – Amadi & Adisa’s Story
Through their Kingdom businesses, Amadi & Adisa have been sharing the Gospel for the last 4 years in one of the hardest to reach places.
Morning Conversation with Shaunti Feldhahn
We’re revisiting this conversation with Shaunti Feldhahn. The principles she shares will be helpful in fostering communication in our families about finances during these uncertain financial times.