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Morning Conversation with Kristine Fischer
Kristine Fischer, a bass angler who grew up in small town Nebraska, always gives glory to God when she has an audience on her growing platform. As a fisher of fish, God may also be using her to point others to THE fisher of souls.
Pastor Jeff Baker – Refuse To Go Alone (Sunday, October 13)
Pastor Jeff Baker of New Life in Kearney shares a messaged called “Refuse to Go Alone” from their Hope series.
Pastor Bryan Clark – Only Jesus (Sunday, October 13)
Pastor Bryan Clark of Lincoln Berean shares a message called “Only Jesus” from their “Gospel of John” series (John 18:1-27).
Morning Conversation with Nathan Harris
Nathan is the author of “Gospel Generosity – Giving As An Act of Grace.” This book was written to help us think not about the duty of giving, but the joy of generosity with Kingdom focus, knowing that everything we have is God’s to use for His purposes.
Impact – WIDE – Momentum & Easter
The support Esther has received from Momentum has fueled her leadership.
Impact – DEEP – Lori’s Story
“For some divine reason, MyBridge Radio was on the radio that day.”
Pastor Jeff Baker – Hope Killers and Supply Lines (Sunday, October 6)
Pastor Jeff Baker of New Life in Kearney shares a message called “Hope Killers and Supply Lines” from their “Hope” series.
Pastor Bryan Clark – Why Unity Matters (Sunday, October 6)
Pastor Bryan Clark of Lincoln Berean shares a message called “Why Unity Matters” (John 17:1-26) from their “Gospel of John” series.