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God at Work – Nate’s Story
Although Nate was more concerned about fueling his addiction than knowing God personally, that did not keep God from pursuing him.
Pastor Bryan Clark – Circumstances
It’s a dangerous thing to judge the kindness of the Lord based on our circumstances. TRANSCRIPT: What do you think of when you hear these words from Scripture: “the Lord caused all that he did to prosper.” Or this: “the lord was with him and he became a successful man.” Or what about this: “The lord was with him, and…
Morning Conversation with Kathy Koch
Kathy Koch, Founder and President of Celebrate Kids, shares her insight on modeling character and generosity to our kids.
Pastor Gavin Johnson – Extravagant Grace and Extraordinary Gratitude (Sunday, March 5)
Pastor Gavin Johnson of CityLight in Omaha shares a message called, “Extravagant Grace & Extraordinary Gratitude,” from their series, “Gospel of Luke” (Luke 7:36-50).
Pastor Rick Lorimer – When Offense Comes (Sunday, March 5)
Pastor Rick Lorimer of Christ Place in Lincoln shares a message called, “When Offense Comes,” from the #RelationshipGoals series. Pastor Rick wades into the culture of offense and how we can keep a root of bitterness from poisoning our life.
Morning Conversation with Libby Moderow
Libby lives in Lincoln and is the Supervisor of Families Together at Christian Heritage. She talks about God at work in and through her life.
God at Work – Gen Z & Navigators
As they take steps of faith to initiate with the people around them toward the things of God, they’re gaining skills to make disciples wherever they go for the rest of their lives.
God at Work – Why I Give – Rena’s Story
Listening to MyBridge Radio was Rena’s connection to God and filled her with hope.
Morning Conversation with Christy Nockels
Singer and songwriter Christy Nockels talks about her new album released on Friday and God at work in her life.