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God at Work – SALT Company & Jenesi’s Story
Ultimately, Jenesi had a deep change of mind and heart.
Dr. Lee Warren – Treatment Plan 2
Of every living thing God created, we’re the only ones who can decide to separate our circumstances from how we feel.
Morning Conversation with Katie Trent
Katie’s newest book is called, Recipes for a Sweet Child: Creative Bible-based Activities to Help Your Family Thrive. She talks about some of the struggles we feel as parents and grandparents about helping children learn positive character traits, and some practical ways to help.
Pastor Gavin Johnson – It’s The End of the World As We Know It (Sunday September 10)
Pastor Gavin Johnson of CityLight, Omaha shares the message “It’s The End of the World As We Know It” from their “Gospel of Luke” series – Luke 17:20-37.
Pastor Rick Lorimer – Why We Need Each Other (Sunday, September 10)
Pastor Rick Lorimer of Christ Place, Lincoln shares the message “Why We Need Each Other,” from their “Better Together” series. What is the significance of having the right people in your life and why do we need each other?
Pastor Bryan Clark – Confess
Ultimately all sin is against God, and He is the One who forgives our sin against Him. Our part is to choose to believe He forgives when we confess our sins to Him.
God at Work – The Crucible with Jeff, Camp Sonshine
Jeff, co-founder of Camp Sonshine, experienced the support at the beginning of their ministry that will be available to those with a ministry vision in their heart who participate in The Crucible!
God at Work – Why I Give
Jelyna and her sons have experienced the difference listening to MyBridge Radio makes in their day!
Pastor Chris Hruska – What Defines Your Life? Gratitude or Grumbling? (Sunday, September 3)
Pastor Chris Hruska of CityLight in Omaha shares a message called, “What Defines Your LIfe? Grumbling or Gratitude?” from their “Gospel of Luke” series (Luke 17:11-19).
Pastor Rick Lorimer – Sinner or Saint (Sunday, September 3)
Pastor Rick Lorimer of Christ Place in Lincoln shares a message called, “Sinner or Saint,” from his “No Filter” series. As a Christian, would you characterize yourself as a sinner or a saint?