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Morning Conversation with JJ Weeks
JJ Weeks is coming to the panhandle on April 6th along with Santcus Real and Unspoken. He shares his story and why, after nearly a quarter century as an artist, he still feels called to take his music on the road.
God at Work – Because He Lives – Mike’s Story
When Mike took the steps of repentance and entered into a relationship with Jesus through an expression of saving faith, he was transformed.
God at Work – Activate Global in East Africa
He wrestled with the tension between knowing he needed to invent himself in business to earn a living but feeling guilty doing so because he felt called to be a pastor.
Pastor Gavin Johnson – The 1994 Huskers and Some Underwhelming Disciples (Sunday, March 10)
Pastor Gavin Johnson of City Light in Omaha shares a message called “The 1994 Huskers & Some Underwhelming Disciples” from their “Gospel of Luke” series (Luke 22:24-38).
Pastor Rick Lorimer – Daring to Believe (Sunday, March 10)
Pastor Rick Lorimer of Christ Place in Lincoln shares a message called “Daring To Believe” from their “Believe” series on the Gospel of John.
Morning Conversation with Darren Mulligan
Darren Mulligan, founder and front man for We Are Messengers, joins us today from his home in Ireland. They will be in Grand Island on March 17th for the “Where the Joy Is” tour.
Pastor Bryan Clark – Knows Me
He actually knows me, and He invites me to know Him personally.
God at Work – Christian Heritage
Families Together, a ministry of Christian Heritage, helps support parents in crisis by building connections and providing care for children.