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Pastor Adrian Boykin – Divine Drill Instructor (Sunday, May 12)
Pastor Adrian Boykin of Kearney Efree shares a message called “Divine Drill Instructor,” a message from their “God and His Competitors” series that seeks to expose the idols Americans make as substitutes for God.
Pastor Ronnie Rothe – Inadequacy (Sunday, May 12)
Pastor Ronnie Rothe of Relevant Church shares a message called “Inadequacy” from their “Slaying Goliath” series. We defeat inadequacy by, like David, deciding to do what only we can do and using what God has given us.
Pastor Bryan Clark – Real Peace
We have peace with God, which should manifest itself in seeking peace with others.
God at Work – Mother’s Day & Marcy’s Story
God, in His kindness, will move in our hearts, when we trust Him with our lives, and the lives of our kids.
God at Work – Momentum & Steadfast in Gretna
“I need some help to take us through this next step.”
Morning Conversation with Tara Dew
Tara’s new book is called “Overflowing Joy: What Jesus Says About a Joy-Filled Life.” Tara believes if you’re willing to take Jesus up on His teaching, you’ll find that God’s pruning, God’s presence, and God’s commands have the power to deliver an overflowing bushel of joy.
Pastor Adrian Boykin – A Friend in Adversity (Sunday, May 5)
Pastor Adrian Boykin of Kearney E Free shares a message called “A Friend in Adversity,” a message from their “Good News for Friendship” series.
Pastor Ronnie Rothe – Apathy (Sunday, May 5)
Pastor Ronnie Rothe of Relevant Church shares a message called “Apathy” from their “Slaying Goliath” series. One “giant,” or challenge, that opposes us is apathy. To defeat apathy, we must decide to be faithful with what we have been given today.
God at Work – Million Dollar Miracle & Alex with STINT
We invite you to be part of the miracle: a million dollars in one day!
God at Work – Million Dollar Miracle & Kerri’s Story
Kerri and Ben hope to be used by God to connect employees to Him, just as MyBridge Radio hopes to be used by God to connect listeners to Him.