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Pastor Jeff Baker – Calm in the Storm
Jesus will calm your heart in the middle of a storm because He is your peace.
Hope Venture – Give Who You Are
Generosity isn’t just about money, it’s about giving yourself to the needs around you.
God at Work – Why I Give
A listener invests in the ministry of MyBridge Radio because the music and messages she hears on her commute to work each day help to give her peace.
God at Work – Chariots 4 Hope
Chariots 4 Hope, a statewide ministry that demonstrates God’s love by providing reliable transportation to those who lack the resources to do it on their own, gifted a vehicle to a grandma in need.
Morning Conversation with Andy Crouch
Andy Crouch, father and author of “The Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its Proper Place,” has great insights about navigating technology and handling it within our families.
Pastor Bryan Clark – Is Heaven on Earth (Sunday, July 25)
Pastor Bryan Clark of Lincoln Berean Church shares a message entitled “Is Heaven on Earth” from their “Life After Death” series based on 1 Corinthians 15.
Pastor Jeff Baker – Rescued to Love (Sunday, July 25)
Jeff Baker of New Life Church in Kearney shares a message entitled “Rescued to Love” from their “Rescued” series.
Morning Conversation with John Mulholland
John Mulholland, lead pastor of WestWay Christian Church in the Panhandle of Nebraska, talks about the work of God in and through his life and through WestWay.
Morning Conversation with Tom Doyle
Tom Doyle, president and founder of Uncharted Ministries, discusses the need for more workers in the mission fields of the unreached and unengaged in some of the world’s most difficult to reach areas.
Nebraska Family Alliance – Pray for Persecuted Believers
We can remember and pray for persecuted believers around the world, honoring the mandate from Scripture.