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God at Work – Danger – Tom

Isolation due to health problems could have led to doubting God’s care during his time of separation but, feeding his soul with the truth of God’s Word, Tom fought the Enemy’s lies with truth and drew closer to Him.

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Morning Conversation with Eric Tonjes

Eric Tonjes is the author of the book, “Either Way, We’ll Be All Right: an honest exploration of God in our grief.” Following the terminal cancer diagnosis of his wife, Eric discusses what he learned about God and following Jesus when everything around them seemed to be giving way.

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Pastor Bryan Clark – Defender

Pastor Bryan Clark explains that serious followers of Christ will likely be maligned and falsely accused but God promises to be our defender and shield if we stand for truth.

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God at Work – VBS – Kristen

Believing strongly in the power of Vacation Bible School to bring the life changing message of Jesus to the kids in her community, Kristen in Chadron encourages the entire body of Christ to unite by serving in a VBS Ministry.

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