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Pastor Adrian Boykin – Courage to do God’s Will (Sunday, February 6)
Pastor Adrian Boykin of Kearney E-Free Church shares a message called “Courage to To Do God’s Will” from their Gospel of John series.
Morning Conversation with Denise Riesen
Denise is the director of The Willow Center in Beatrice, a place for women navigating an unplanned pregnancy. The Willow Center is also a place to find a friend who will listen and answer questions from a Biblical perspective.
God at Work – Scott’s Story
Scott’s family became dependent on God in new ways, trusting Him to guide and provide, and living out His lesson in real time.
God at Work – Pregnancy Center – Abigail’s Story
At the Pregnancy Center, Abagail was affirmed in her choice to seek life for her child.
Nebraska Family Alliance – Sharing Truth
Christians have the calling and the responsibility to help get to the root causes of issues and help offer true hope and healing that the world ultimately can’t.
Morning Conversation with Katie Trent
Katie Trent, an author, speaker and homeschool mom, inspires women to grow their faith and strengthen their families while simplifying life. In her newest book, “Dishing up Devotions,” Katie talks about building our children’s relationships with Jesus while having fun together as a family.
Pastor Bryan Clark – Diligent to Rest (Sunday, January 30)
Pastor Bryan Clark of Lincoln Berean Church presents a message entitled “Hold Fast” – from Hebrews 4 – from their “Christ is Enough” series. “Sabbath rest is when we rest from our own attempts at self-righteousness and we simply rest in what God has done for us through Jesus.”
Pastor Jeff Baker – Is This God’s Voice or My Voice? (Sunday, January 30)
Pastor Jeff Baker of New Life Church in Kearney shares a message called “Is This God’s Voice or My Voice” from their “FAQ” series.
Morning Conversation with Joe Hearn
For more than 26 years, Joe Hearn from Omaha has been helping people get their financial house in order. Joe will walk us through some very practical and important steps toward being prepared for a fiscal crisis