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Morning Conversation with Sally Burke

When Sally Burke became aware of Moms in Prayer, she became a Moms in Prayer group leader, then a community coordinator, then a regional director and now serves as the president of Moms in Prayer International, and talks about how Moms in Prayer is making a difference in the lives of moms, students and schools.

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Pastor Ronnie Rothe – Reading the Bible (Sunday, August 28)

Pastor Ronnie Rothe of Relevant Church shares a messaged called, “Reading the Bible,” from their series “The Good(?) Book: Addressing our Issues with the Bible.” The Bible wasn’t written primarily for our information but for our transformation…becoming everything God created us to be.

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Morning Conversation with Rachel-Ruth Lotz Wright

Rachel-Ruth Lotz Wright, daughter of Anne Graham Lotz and granddaughter of evangelist Billy Graham, and her mother have co-authored the book “Jesus Followers: Real-Life Lessons for Igniting Faith in the Next Generation,” and talks about the principles for parents and grandparents to pass on their faith.

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