Pastor Bryan Clark – We Must Believe (Sunday, October 16)
Pastor Bryan Clark of Lincoln Berean shares a message called, “We Must Believe,” from the “Hebrews” series on Hebrews 11:1-12. What do we mean by faith and what does this look like lived out in real life?
Pastor Bryan Clark – A New Way of Living
Pastor Bryan Clark of Lincoln Berean shares a message called “A New Way of Living” from the “Hebrews” series on Hebrews 10:19-39. The purpose of the gospel is not to possess a ticket to heaven but to enter in to a deeply meaningful, soul-satisfying relationship with Jesus.
Pastor Jeff Baker – The Churches of Smyrna & Pergamum
Pastor Jeff Baker of New Life in Kearney shares a message called “The Churches of Smyrna & Pergamum” from the series, “7 – The Churches of Revelation”.
Pastor Bryan Clark – Christ is Enough (Sunday, October 2)
Pastor Bryan Clark of Lincoln Berean shares a message called, “Christ Is Enough,” from the “Hebrews” series on Hebrews 10:1-8. It is impossible for any religious activity or work to make us right as sinners before a holy God.
Pastor Jeff Baker – The Church of Ephesus (Sunday, October 2)
Pastor Jeff Baker of New Life Church in Kearney shares a message called, “The Church of Ephesus,” from the series, “7 – The Churches of Revelation.”
Pastor Rick Lorimer – I Am Blessed (Sunday, September 25)
Pastor Rick Lorimer of Christ Place in Lincoln shares a message called “I Am Blessed” from the “No Filter” series. We can be secure in who we are IN CHRIST. What will you do with this rock-solid core identity of being IN CHRIST?
Pastor Austin Edwards – But They Can’t Stick (Sunday, September 25)
Pastor Austin Edwards of CityLight in Lincoln shares a message called “But, They Can’t Stick” from the series, “Romans 8 – The Greatest Chapter.” In these verses, Paul points out that while the world will accuse and condemn God’s people, the One who has any real authority to do that has chosen instead to forgive us.
Impact Days – Activate Global
As physical needs were met, community members, who may otherwise have been hostile toward the message of Jesus, were open to learning about the great physician brings hope, which is vital for life.
Pastor Rick Lorimer – When Offense Comes (Sunday, September 18)
Pastor Rick Lorimer of Christ Place in Lincoln shares a message called, “When Offense Comes,” from the #RelationshipGoals series. Pastor Rick wades into the culture of offense and how we can keep a root of bitterness from poisoning our life.
Pastor Chris Hruska – Trusting Jesus On Our Worst Days (Sunday, September 18)
Pastor Chris Hruska of CityLight Omaha shares a message called, “Trusting Jesus on Our Worst Days,” from the series, “The Gospel of Luke” (Luke 7:1-17).