Pastor Jeff Baker – More Than You Can Handle (Sunday, October 10)
Pastor Jeff Baker from New Life Church in Kearney shares a message entitled, “More Than You Can Handle,” from their series, “The Bible DOESN’T Say That.”
Pastor Bryan Clark – Getting a Glimpse of What is to Come (Sunday, October 3)
Pastor Bryan Clark of Lincoln Berean shares a message, “Getting A Glimpse of What Is To Come,” from their series “Life After Death,” based on Rev. 21-22.
Pastor Jeff Baker – God Helps Those Who Help Themselves (Sunday, October 3)
Pastor Jeff Baker of New Life in Kearney shares a message called, “God Helps Those Who Help Themselves,” from their series, “The Bible DOESN’T Say That.”
Pastor Rick Lorimer – Beyond the Bread (Sunday, September 26)
Pastor Rick Lorimer from Christ Place in Lincoln shares a message called “Beyond the Bread” from their “Gospel of John” series. In John 6, Jesus asked one of His disciples an important question. It wasn’t a trick question, but it was a test. Sometimes our circumstances raise a question about our own faith.
Pastor Gavin Johnson – A Faithful Church Amidst A Culture in Crisis (Sunday, September 26)
Pastor Gavin Johnson from CityLight in Omaha shares a message entitled “A Faithful Church Amidst a Culture in Crisis” from their “Stand Firm In Grace” series in 1 Peter.
Pastor Chris Hruska – How to Navigate a Season of Suffering (Sunday, September 19)
Pastor Chris Hruska from CItyLight Church shares a message, “How to Navigate a Season of Suffering,” taken from 1 Peter 4:1-12 and their “Stand Firm In Grace” series.
Pastor Rick Lorimer – Everyone Lives Forever (Sunday, September 19)
Pastor Rick Lorimer from Christ Place in Lincoln shares a message, “Everyone Lives Forever,” from their “Gospel of John” series. What happens after we die? Pastor Rick explores what Jesus has to say about the judgment of believers and unbelievers.
Pastor Rick Lorimer – Like Father, Like Son (Sunday, September 12)
Pastor Rick Lorimer from Christ Place in Lincoln shares a message entitled “Like Father, Like Son” from their “Gospel of John” series.
Pastor Gavin Johnson – No Fear (Sunday, September 12)
Pastor Gavin Johnson from CityLight in Omaha shares a message called “No Fear” from 1 Peter 3:13-22, part of their “Stand Firm In Grace” series.
Pastor Pastor Rick Lorimer – A Growing Faith (Sunday, September 5)
Pastor Rick Lorimer from Christ Place shares the message “A Growing Faith” –– From their “Gospel of John” series.