Pastor Rick Lorimer – A People of Healing (Sunday, June 9)
Pastor Rick Lorimer of Christ Place Church in Lincoln shares a sermon called “A People of Healing” from their “God’s House” series. Church can be messy. Pastor Rick looks at the obstacles to healing and being a people of healing.
Pastor Gavin Johnson – Joseph: First Painful Pitstop (Sunday, June 2)
Pastor Gavin Johnson of CityLight in Omaha shares a message called “First Painful Pitstop,” a message from Genesis 37:1-11, from their “Pitstops of Providence – the story of Joseph from the book of Genesis.”
Pastor Rick Lorimer – God’s House: A People of Acceptance (Sunday, June 2)
Pastor Rick Lorimer of Christ Place Church in Lincoln shares a message called “A People of Acceptance” from their “God’s House” series (Matthew 7:1-2).
Pastor Adrian Boykin – An Infinite Multitasker (Sunday, May 26)
Pastor Adrian Boykin shares a message called “The Infinite Multitasker,” a message from their “God and His Competitors” series that seeks to expose the idols Americans make as substitutes for God.
Pastor Ronnie Rothe – Fear (Sunday, May 26)
Pastor Ronnie Rothe of Relevant Church shares a message called “Fear” from their “Slaying Goliath” series.
Pastor Adrian Boykin – Self Help Guru (Sunday, May 19)
Pastor Adrian Boykin of Kearney E Free shares a message called “Self Help Guru,” a message from their “God and His Competitors” series, that seeks to expose the idols Americans make as substitutes for God.
Pastor Ronnie Rothe – Pride (Sunday, May 19)
Pastor Ronnie Rothe of Relevant Church in Elkhorn shares a message called “Pride” from their “Slaying Goliath” series. To defeat pride, you must decide it’s not about me, and it’s all about God and His glory.
Pastor Adrian Boykin – Divine Drill Instructor (Sunday, May 12)
Pastor Adrian Boykin of Kearney Efree shares a message called “Divine Drill Instructor,” a message from their “God and His Competitors” series that seeks to expose the idols Americans make as substitutes for God.
Pastor Ronnie Rothe – Inadequacy (Sunday, May 12)
Pastor Ronnie Rothe of Relevant Church shares a message called “Inadequacy” from their “Slaying Goliath” series. We defeat inadequacy by, like David, deciding to do what only we can do and using what God has given us.
Pastor Adrian Boykin – A Friend in Adversity (Sunday, May 5)
Pastor Adrian Boykin of Kearney E Free shares a message called “A Friend in Adversity,” a message from their “Good News for Friendship” series.