Pastor Jeff Baker – Keep the Finish Line in Sight (Sunday, April 16)
Pastor Jeff Baker of New Life in Kearney shares a message called, “Keep the Finish Line in Sight,” from the “Living Your Best Life” series.
Pastor Bryan Clark – This Is The Son of God (Sunday, April 16)
Pastor Bryan Clark of Lincoln Berean shares a message called, “This Is The Son of God,” from their “Gospel of John” series on John 1:19-24.
Pastor Jeff Baker – Jesus Won the Day So You Can WIN TODAY! (Sunday, April 9)
Pastor Jeff Baker of New Life in Kearney shares an Easter message called, “Jesus Won the Day So You Can Win TODAY!”
Pastor Bryan Clark – Does the Resurrection of Christ Matter? (Sunday, April 9)
Pastor Bryan Clark of Lincoln Berean shares a message called, “Does the Resurrection of Christ Matter?” from 1 Corinthians 15:1-8, 12-24. If the tomb is empty, that changes everything!
Pastor Jeff Baker – The Tortoise and The Hare, Part 1 (Sunday, April 2)
Pastor Jeff Baker of New Life in Kearney shares a message called, “The Tortoise and The Hare, Part 1,” of the two-message series, “Living Your Best Life.”
Pastor Bryan Clark – The Word Became Flesh (Sunday, April 2)
Pastor Bryan Clark of Lincoln Berean shares a message called, “The Word Became Flesh,” from their Gospel of John Series, on John 1:1-18.
Pastor Austin Edwards – Allow Me to Reintroduce Myself (Sunday, March 26)
Pastor Austin Edwards of CityLight in Lincoln shares a sermon called, “Allow Me to Reintroduce Myself,” from James 1:1. Despite being one of the most well-known leaders of the early church and the brother of Jesus Himself, James humbly introduces himself as nothing more than a servant.
Pastor Rick Lorimer – When the Wine Runs Out (Sunday, March 26)
Pastor Rick Lorimer of Christ Place in Lincoln shares a sermon called, “When the Win Runs Out,” from their “Gospel of John” series. Pastor Rick talks about the excitement that Jesus brought to His followers’ lives.
Pastor Chris Hruska – Fear Not Little Flock (Sunday, March 19)
Pastor Chris Hruska of CityLight in Omaha shares a messaged called, “Fear Not Little Flock,” (Luke 12:13-34) from their series, “Gospel of Luke.”
Pastor Rick Lorimer – There’s More to your Story (Sunday, March 19)
Pastor Rick Lorimer of Christ Place in Lincoln shares a message called, “There’s More To Your Story,” from their “Believe” Series. Pastor Rick dives into the story of Jesus healing the blind man and how God wants to intervene in our suffering.