Pastor Jeff Baker – Rescued to Love (Sunday, July 25)
Jeff Baker of New Life Church in Kearney shares a message entitled “Rescued to Love” from their “Rescued” series.
Pastor Jeff Baker – Rescued to Belong (Sunday, July 18)
Pastor Jeff Baker of New Life Church in Kearney shares a message entitled “Rescued to Belong” from their “Rescued” series.
Pastor Bryan Clark – 60 Seconds After You Die (Sunday, July 18)
Pastor Bryan Clark of Lincoln Berean Church shares a message from the book of Luke entitled “60 Seconds After You Die,” from their “Life After Death” series.
Pastor Bryan Clark – Is There Life After Death? (Sunday, July 11)
Pastor Bryan Clark of Lincoln Berean Church shares the message “Is There Life After Death?” from their “Life After Death” series, based on 1 Corinthians 15.
Pastor Jeff Baker – Rescued for a Purpose (Sunday, July 11)
Pastor Jeff Baker of New Life Church in Kearney shares a message entitled, “Rescued for a Purpose,” from their “Rescued” series.
Pastor Jeff Baker – Rescued by Grace (Sunday, July 4)
Pastor Jeff Baker of New Life Church in Kearney shares a message entitled “Rescued By Grace” from the “Rescued” series.
Pastor Bryan Clark – Did Jesus Rise from the Dead (Sunday, July 4)
Pastor Bryan Clark of Lincoln Berean Church shares a message entitled “Did Jesus Rise From the Dead?” part of the “Life After Death” series from the Gospel of Luke.
Pastor Rick Lorimer – Time of Refreshing (Sunday, June 27)
Pastor Rick Lorimer of Christ Place Church in Lincoln shares a message from the Gospel of John about the refreshing that God wants to bring to humanity.
Pastor Gavin Johnson – Adoption (Sunday, June 27)
Pastor Gavin Johnson of Citylight Church in Omaha shares a message called “Adoption” from their “Freedom” series, a study in Galatians.
Pastor Rick Lorimer – When the Wine Runs Out (Sunday, June 20)
Pastor Rick Lorimer of Christ Place in Lincoln shares a message from John’s Gospel about the excitement Jesus brought entitled “When the Wine Runs Out.”