Pastor Adrian Boykin – Another Kind of Life (Sunday, November 10)
Pastor Adrian Boykin of Kearney E-Free shares a message called “Making It Happen” from the series, “Another Kind of Life.”
Pastor Ronnie Rothe – Scripture (Sunday, November 10)
Pastor Ronnie Rothe of Relevant Church in Elkhorn shares a message called “Scripture” from their “Vital” series. Two disciplines are vital in order to grow in our relationship with Jesus: Praying and Reading the Bible. Discover that prayer’s ultimate purpose and reward is growing in our relationship with Jesus.
Pastor Adrian Boykin – An Eternal Kind of Life (Sunday, November 3)
Pastor Adrian Boykin of Kearney E-Free shares a message called “An Eternal Kind of Life” from the series “Another Kind of Life.”
Pastor Ronnie Rothe – Prayer (Sunday, November 3)
Pastor Ronnie Rothe of Relevant Church in Elkhorn shares a message called “Prayer” from their “Vital” series. Two disciplines are vital in order to grow in our relationship with Jesus: Praying and Reading the Bible. Discover that prayer’s ultimate purpose and reward is growing in our relationship with Jesus.
Pastor Bryan Clark – It Is Finished (Sunday, October 27)
Pastor Bryan Clark of Lincoln Berean shares a message called “It Is Finished” from their “Gospel of John” series (John 19:17-30).
Pastor Jeff Baker – Raise Your Expectations (Sunday, October 20)
Pastor Jeff Baker of New Life in Kearney shares a message called “Raise Your Expectations”from their Hope series.
Pastor Bryan Clark – Jesus Or Ceasar (Sunday, October 20)
Pastor Bryan Clark of Lincoln Berean shares a message called “Jesus or Caesar” (John 19:1-16) from their “Gospel of John” series.
Pastor Jeff Baker – Refuse To Go Alone (Sunday, October 13)
Pastor Jeff Baker of New Life in Kearney shares a messaged called “Refuse to Go Alone” from their Hope series.
Pastor Bryan Clark – Only Jesus (Sunday, October 13)
Pastor Bryan Clark of Lincoln Berean shares a message called “Only Jesus” from their “Gospel of John” series (John 18:1-27).
Pastor Jeff Baker – Hope Killers and Supply Lines (Sunday, October 6)
Pastor Jeff Baker of New Life in Kearney shares a message called “Hope Killers and Supply Lines” from their “Hope” series.