Pastor Bryan Clark – Born Again (Sunday, July 9)
Pastor Bryan Clark of Lincoln Berean shares a message called “Born Again,” from their “That You Believe” series from the Gospel of John (John 3:1-21).
Pastor Jeff Baker – Run (Sunday, July 2)
Pastor Jeff Baker of New Life in Kearney shares a message called, “Run With Others,” from his “Run to Win” series.
Pastor Bryan Clark – The True Temple (Sunday, July 2)
Pastor Bryan Clark of Lincoln Berean shares a message called, “The True Temple,” from their “That You Believe” series in the Gospel of John (John 2:13-25).
Pastor Austin Edwards – The Room & The Way (Sunday, June 25)
Pastor Austin Edwards of CityLight in Lincoln shares a message called, “The Room & The Way,” from their “Knowing God” series (John 14:1-6).
Pastor Rick Lorimer – Knowing God (Sunday, June 25)
Pastor Rick Lorimer of Christ Place in Lincoln shares a message called, “Knowing God,” from their “Believe” series. Pastor Rick unpacks John 14:7 and Jesus’ conversation with Philip about knowing God.
Pastor Austin Edwards – No Fine Print (Sunday, June 18)
Pastor Gavin Johnson of CityLight in Omaha shares a message called “No Fine Print” from their “Gospel of Luke” series (Luke 14:25-35).
Pastor Rick Lorimer – Family Farming (Sunday, June 18)
Pastor Rick Lorimer of Christ Place in Lincoln shares a message called “Family Farming” from his “Sowing & Reaping” series. Pastor Rick casts vision for the local church and the kind of sowing that needs to take place for us to truly be a household of faith.
Pastor Gavin Johnson – The Narrow Door to Heaven (Sunday, June 11)
Pastor Gavin Johnson of CityLight in Omaha shares a message called, “The Narrow Door to Heaven,” from their “Gospel of Luke” series (Luke 13:22-35).
Pastor Rick Lorimer – Start Now (Sunday, June 11)
Pastor Rick Lorimer of Christ Place in Lincoln shares a message called, “Start Now,” from his “Sowing & Reaping” series. Farming is hard work and can be discouraging when you’re not seeing results. Pastor Rick will address this and what God’s Word says.
Pastor Gavin Johnson – Living This Day in Light of That Day (Sunday, June 4)
Pastor Gavin Johnson of CityLight in Omaha shares a message called, “Living This Day in Light of That Day,” from their “Gospel of Luke” series (Luke 12:35-48).