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Morning Conversations

Morning Conversation with Chris McKinney

June 15, 2021

Chris McKinney, a pastor from Missouri, has a vision for a “low and slow” lifestyle of neighboring by making long-term investments in his community and encourages us to make our own neighborhoods a mission field.

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Morning Conversation with Eric Tonjes

June 8, 2021

Eric Tonjes is the author of the book, “Either Way, We’ll Be All Right: an honest exploration of God in our grief.” Following the terminal cancer diagnosis of his wife, Eric discusses what he learned about God and following Jesus when everything around them seemed to be giving way.

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Morning Conversation with Lauren Eberspacher

May 27, 2021

Lauren Eberspacher, author of the blog From Blacktop to Dirt Road, shares how she is learning to recognize and respond to danger. The danger of adversity can be faced by recognizing that God is in control, clinging to the hope found in His amazing promises and surrendering to His perfect plan.

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Morning Conversation with Lisa Anderson

May 13, 2021

Lisa Anderson is the director of the young adults ministry for Focus on the Family. Single herself, Lisa shares the impact of the past months on singles in particular, as well as insights we can all learn from moving forward.

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