Morning Conversations
Morning Conversation with Susie Larson
Susie is a prolific author, speaker and radio host. One of her most recent books is, “Strong In Battle” and her journal, “Soul Care for the Battle.” She about what she’s learned through chronic health struggles and about what daily time with God in His Word looks like for her.
Morning Conversation with George Barna
George Barna, author and researcher, is a professor at Arizona Christian University and the Director of Research at the Cultural Research Center. We revisit a conversation with George about research, worldview, differences among generations and the impact his research has on Christ-followers today.
Morning Conversation with Sean McDowell
Sean McDowell will be in Kearney March 24-25 for the Todd Becker Foundation’s STINT Discipleship Weekend. His life and ministry are all about bringing truth to a new generation.
Morning Conversation with Jeremiah Johnston
Jeremiah Johnston is a New Testament scholar, author, nationally syndicated radio host and leader of the Christian Thinkers Society. We revisit a conversation with him where he talks about his book on peace, sharing how we can have peace with God, and then how we can live in peace, no matter what our circumstances.
Morning Conversation with Greg Smalley
Greg is the vice president for marriage at Focus on the Family and talks about what he’s learned as he works with couples and from his own marriage.
Morning Conversation with Alex Daum
Alex Daum, men’s leader for STINT, shares about God at work in his life to draw him to become fully committed to Jesus, how God is at work through the Todd Becker Foundation to impact youth throughout the midwest, and about the STINT Discipleship weekend in March.
Morning Conversation with Stephanie Johnson
Stephanie is the founder of Rise Stronger Ministry for women, and talks about God at work in her life and in Rise Stronger.
Morning Conversation with Wendy Speake
Wendy is releasing “The 40-Day Feast” and talks about spending time in God’s Word – not just checking off a box, but truly spending time with God.
Morning Conversation with Ellen Miller
Ellen is the founder and executive director of A Latere Academy in Omaha and talks about God at work in her life.
Morning Conversation with Shaunti Feldhahn
Shaunti Feldhahn, a social researcher and author, talks about finding rest – not by merely removing responsibilities in our lives, but the soul rest that comes from our relationship with God.