Hope Venture – Verses
The Bible is here for our strengthening, to teach, rebuke, correct, and train us in righteousness.
Re-Store – Stan Parker
This summer, you can play a significant role in reaching the unreached…let’s Re-Store our stuff!
Pastor Austin Edwards – Infinitely Awesome
With more exposure, everything awesome eventually loses its awe factor. But, not God.
Pastor Jeff Baker – Always Awesome
We serve a God who is awesome, always and at all times.
Pastor Bryan Clark – Follow the Science
A good test of a worldview is: Does it make sense of what is?
Pastor Greg Madsen – Awesome Place
God’s awesomeness is all around us but, based on what we see, we don’t always know it.
Pastor Bryan Clark – Deal With It
Face it, deal with it, resolve it…for the sake of the unity of the body of Christ.
Pastor Austin Edwards – Medal of Well Done
Do you ever wrestle with how unworthy we are in light of the heart of Jesus?
Hope Venture – Palm of His Hand
It says in Isaiah God writes us on the palms of His hands.
Pastor Jeff Baker – Check is in the Mail
Can we be missing God’s hand at work because God’s not doing what we think is best?