Hope Venture – So Much Joy
Let’s remember our story, let’s remember our song. Let’s praise our Savior, let’s live and love generously!
Austin Edwards – Things Happen
Have you ever wondered why bad things happen to good people? Why do good things happen to bad people? As unjust as that sounds, that is our story.
Pastor Bryan Clark – Worldview – Creator
Do you really think reality will conform to our feelings?
Pastor Jeff Baker – Perfect God. Imperfect People.
Because God is just, He alone makes us righteous his eyes.
Pastor Bryan Clark – Freedom
Moral standards are the track that sets a culture free.
Hope Venture – Verses
The Bible is here for our strengthening, to teach, rebuke, correct, and train us in righteousness.
Re-Store – Stan Parker
This summer, you can play a significant role in reaching the unreached…let’s Re-Store our stuff!
Pastor Austin Edwards – Infinitely Awesome
With more exposure, everything awesome eventually loses its awe factor. But, not God.
Pastor Jeff Baker – Always Awesome
We serve a God who is awesome, always and at all times.