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Glorious Day (Live)Passion & Kristian Stanfill

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Glorious Day (Live)Passion & Kristian Stanfill

Keene Evangelical Free Church

662 F Road, Axtell, NE 68924

If you've ever heard someone use the phrase "little country church" they were probably talking about the church that I have called mine for the past 9 years. Keene Evangelical Free Church is a welcoming and thriving place of worship, with members of the congregation driving from several area communities, including Axtell, Holdrege, Funk, Wilcox, Hildreth, and Minden, each Sunday. Our pastor, Matt Snell recently celebrated 20 years at Keene, and he and his family are truly a blessing to our church! Keene E-Free is known in the area for it's fantastic choir, strong AWANA program, SWAT youth group, amazing VBS, incredible women's circles, and a weekly Bible Study. This past year, our "little country church" even had the numbers to begin a second Sunday morning service! In the darkest times of my life, this church has been a light, reminding me that God is faithful in every season!

Contact Information
Phone: 308-830-9017

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