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My Bridge Radio

God at Work

God at Work – Why I Give

July 27, 2021

A listener invests in the ministry of MyBridge Radio because the music and messages she hears on her commute to work each day help to give her peace.

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God at Work – Chariots 4 Hope

July 27, 2021

Chariots 4 Hope, a statewide ministry that demonstrates God’s love by providing reliable transportation to those who lack the resources to do it on their own, gifted a vehicle to a grandma in need.

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God at Work – Todd Becker Foundation

July 20, 2021

A high school student in Kansas committed his life to Christ during a Todd Becker Foundation outreach event and, immediately afterward, reached out to his Grandpa to share the hope he had found.

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God at Work – Kingdom Business Garment Shop

July 20, 2021

After attending an Activate Global, MyBridge to the Nations, Kingdom Business training, a South Asian believer started a garment shop that financially provided for his family but also gave him a platform to reach the unreached and further the Gospel of Christ.

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God at Work – Kassy

July 13, 2021

Kassy in Chadron sought fulfillment through many unhealthy relationships until her personal relationship with Jesus led to a total commitment to the Lord.

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Activate Global – Hard to Reach

July 6, 2021

Opening a sewing business with training from Activate Global, MyBridge to the Nations, allows one Christ follower a platform from which to share his faith.

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God at Work – Christian Heritage

July 6, 2021

Through the work of Christian Heritage, the lives of two kids were eternally changed by a foster family who offered prayers, provided discipleship, and modeled Christ’s love.

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