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My Bridge Radio

Today we are reading
JULY 27 - JOHN 11 12 13

Daily time with God in His word

Start with 20 minutes a day reading the Gospels with us!

We know that a helpful way to establish the practice of spending daily time with God in His Word is to have a great plan! This year, we wanted a plan that prioritized depth versus breadth… staying awhile in a few key books of the Bible, really getting familiar with what’s there. We decided what better place to grow deep than in the Gospels, focusing on Jesus… His life, His miracles, His words and more. So, this year the plan is to read all 4 Gospels. By reading about 3 chapters a day (that will take about 20 minutes), we will read through all 4 Gospels in just 30 days. Then, we will repeat. Rereading the 4 Gospels each month.

Prepare to be changed as we daily spend time with God in His Word!

Let us know you are "in" for Daily 20 in '23!

Fill out my online form.

MyBridge Tips for Time in God's Word


Any Bible will work, so if you have one, use it! We also love using the YouVersion Bible app. It’s free and a great way to be able to have God’s Word with you at all times. If while following our gospel reading plan you want to vary translations like our TEAM will be doing each month, the digital Bible will work best.

(speaking of Bibles, don’t forget to let us know “I’m in!” above to get registered for our Gospel giveaway every Friday)


In 2023, we invite you to join us in a gospel reading plan that the MyBridge Radio TEAM is following in our time with God each day. You can print the .pdf of the plan, create a personal bookmark of the plan, or access the daily reading from our MyBridge Radio app. The plan is to read 3 Gospel chapters a day and that should take about 20 minutes daily!


You will not regret setting your alarm for 20 minutes earlier, but whatever time of day you pick, stick to it and establish the routine! Having the same time, the same place, the same chair, the same cup of coffee beside you will help create the habit of spending daily time with God in His Word.