Create your own Resurrection Eggs
10 plastic eggs, numbered from 1 to 10
9 story starters to place in eggs, as described below
1. A tiny loaf of bread, dinner plate, or fork – The Last Supper (Matthew 26:17-19)
2. 3 pieces of silver (3 nickels or dimes) – Judas betrays Jesus. (Matthew 27:3)
3. A cross (you could make one from toothpicks) – Jesus carries his cross. (John 19:17)
4. A crown of thorns (a thorn from a rose bush) – Jesus is mocked as King of the Jews. (John 19:2-4, Mark 15:17)
5. Dice – Soldiers divide up Jesus’ clothes. (John 19:23)
6. Nail – Jesus is nailed to the cross. (John 19:18 & John 20:25-29)
7. Sponge – Jesus is given a sponge soaked in vinegar to drink. (John 19:28-30)
8. Spices (cloves are small and fragrant) – Jesus’ body is prepared for burial. (John 19:40)
9. A stone – Jesus’ tomb is covered with a great stone. (Matthew 27:59-60)
10. {Egg should be empty} – The tomb is empty. He has risen! (Matthew 28:6)