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My Bridge Radio
Sharathon Goal

“Our resources can make an eternal difference”

I recently heard the statement above in a sermon I was listening to online.

From listening to that sermon, I had one big takeaway… choose stories over stuff!

I continued throughout that day, thinking… I want to choose to invest more of what I have as a means to an end that is outside of a direct benefit just for me… because THAT is where true joy is found!

And this is what I feel I know about you… you too desire to make your life count for more than just yourself. You know there is more to this life than what we see. Eternity awaits! Yet sometimes in the day to day it’s difficult to truly feel like we’re a part of what God’s doing… but, in God’s good plan He made it possible to join Him in His work, using the finances that we get from that same day to day!

As we’ve entered into Sharathon season, we are celebrating the provision God has already made in providing for this ministry through our Impact Partners. MyBridge Radio has 1126 Impact Partners who faithfully invest every month in this ministry… giving us the solid foundation of 64% of what we need for our annual budget next year.

Thank you! Thank you! Impact Partners, for investing in Stories (the stories of transformed lives) over Stuff (the storage of a conformed life!) 

If you are not already an Impact Partner, we invite you to pray about joining us in what God is doing during Sharathon this year! We need 561 new Impact Partners to reach our goal! Please pray about it, and when you are ready to respond you can do that quickly and securely right here!

Stan Parker, TEAM Lead MyBridge