God at Work
God at Work – VBS – Kristen
Believing strongly in the power of Vacation Bible School to bring the life changing message of Jesus to the kids in her community, Kristen in Chadron encourages the entire body of Christ to unite by serving in a VBS Ministry.
Hope Venture – Abounding Love
God is great, mighty, and above all things yet cares for His people because of His abounding love.
God at Work – Why I Give – Adam
Adam uses the truth heard in the music and messages of MyBridge to worship God and encourage himself. He invests in the ministry of MyBridge as an Impact Partner to encourage others to connect to God as well.
God at Work – Activate Global – MyBridge to the Nations
Activate Global, MyBridge to the Nations, equipped Raj, a Christ-follower in South Asia, with Kingdom Business training. This small business training allowed Raj to generate income for his family and to use his platform to make disciples in his community.
God at Work – Compass – Savannah
Savannah’s request for prayer made a big difference for a child in foster care.
God at Work – Face Danger – Chase
Recognizing the enemy’s attempt to discourage and distract, Chase responded by standing her ground and facing adversity.
Nebraska Family Alliance – Image Bearers of God
For Christ-followers, our primary identity must begin with the fact that every person is created in the image and likeness of God.
God at Work – Crossroads – Bev
The ministry of Crossroads provided love and hope to Bev as they helped her understand who God is and the relationship He desires to have with her.
God at Work – Fight Danger – Lauren E.
When doubt turns destructive, Lauren E. turns to the truth of God’s Word and fights to rest in His promises.
God at Work – Recognizing Danger – Caleb’s Story
Sin struggles are hard to break, but Caleb learned to flee from the danger by fleeing to and focusing on God for help.